Package-level declarations

Contains serializers for time-related types, such as java.time.Instant.


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object InstantAsLongSerializer : KSerializer<Instant>

Serializes an Instant to its' epoch millis. ⚠️ Nanosecond precision is lost when encoding/decoding Instants with this serializer

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object InstantAsStringSerializer : KSerializer<Instant>
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object LocalDateAsStringSerializer : KSerializer<LocalDate>

Uses ISO8601 format Example: 2020-01-01

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Uses ISO8601 format, with no timezone information Example: 2020-01-01T18:49:00

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object LocalTimeAsStringSerializer : KSerializer<LocalTime>

Uses ISO8601 format, with no timezone information Example: 12:00:00 means 12 'o clock at noon.

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Serializes an OffsetDateTime to a string, including offset. Example: 2020-01-01T18:49:00+01:00

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object YearAsIntSerializer : KSerializer<Year>

Serializes a Year to an integer. Example: 2020

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object YearAsStringSerializer : KSerializer<Year>

Serializes a Year to a string. Example: "2020"

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object YearMonthAsStringSerializer : KSerializer<YearMonth>

Serializes a YearMonth to a string. Example: 2020-01